Exclusive JOINs Type Training Livestream

Date: May 1, 2024 at 10:30am Pacific Time

I'm thrilled to announce an exclusive opportunity for anyone wanting resources to help with joining tables when writing queries - a special training session hosted by me, Steve Stedman, on "JOIN Types". You will be introduced to various JOIN types, including but not limited to INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN. Delve into more complex JOIN types such as SEMI JOIN, ANTI SEMI JOIN, CROSS JOIN, CROSS APPLY, and OUTER APPLY, and familiarize yourself with the contexts and scenarios where these may come in handy.

Exclusive Offer: Attendees will receive a complimentary 50% off code for our JOIN Types Online Course. This course is designed to impart a deep understanding of JOIN types in TSQL, their differences, and optimal use cases. Note, you must attend the session to get the free trial.

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